A Risky Journey
The importance of the international cooperation to protect migratory birds
Saving Our Ocean
Protecting the oceans and restoring their natural habitats is essential to maintain their processes, their biological diversity and any related ecosystem service.
From Data to Decision-Making
Data is crucial for making informed decisions.
European Support to Africa's Natural Treasures
Established in 2015, the African World Heritage Day celebrates, every 5th of May, Africa’s rich and outstanding natural and cultural heritage.
Mountain Systems and Sustainability Agenda
In this story, we explore how scientific evidence can support a better understanding of mountain systems
A New Era of Wildlife Conservation
For the last decades, technology has enabled more effective data collection over large scale, enhanced management decision-making, and targeted monitoring for global and local agreements and goals,
Taking Action for Wetlands
Wetlands are complex ecosystems and play a key role in climate regulation, water cycle, human livelihoods, and species habitat.
IMET : un catalyseur des AMP du Sénégal
L’outil IMET et l’approche de coaching ont renforcé la dynamique communautaire de gestion des Aires Marines Protégées du Sénégal
Flying without Borders
Have you ever heard shearwater cries in the dark of the Mediterranean summer nights? Do you know where Egyptian vultures go in their non-breeding season?
Saving the Rarest
The Importance of Protected and Conserved Areas for Gorillas Conservation Strategy. BIOPAMA aims to celebrate this day raising awareness of Gorillas populations and of the conservation of their ha
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