From February 16 to 19, 2021, Dakar, Senegal
Following the launch workshop held in November 2019 and the finalization of all institutional arrangements, the four (04) members of the consortium responsible for implementing the action, met during a workshop exchange and planning technique. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the practical methods of implementing OBAPAO with a view to establishing the operational strategy, taking into account the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.
This workshop was an opportunity for the members of the OBAPAO consortium to discuss, on the one hand, the components of the project as well as the methodological approaches to be put in place, and on the other hand, on the synergies to be developed during of the implementation of the action. In addition to the governance of the project, the partners exchanged among other things on the work plan for the next eighteen (18) months at both country and regional levels.