From Data to Decision-making

Supporting conservation strategies, improving protected areas management.

The BIOPAMA Program, an initiative funded by the European Union, aims to build a solid information base for decision-making on protected areas and biodiversity in 79 countries of the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) Group of States.

Thus, at this West Africa Regional Reference Information System (RRIS), you will find maps, reports, data and other relevant information on the status of biodiversity and protected areas that you can download and use as needed. A wide range of environmental themes associated with related topics in biodiversity conservation and natural resource management are covered.


Launch workshop of the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas in West Africa (OBAPAO) Launch workshop of the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas in West Africa (OBAPAO)

From 25 to 27 November 2019, Dakar, Senegal

More than 70 participants attended the official launch workshop of the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas in West Africa (OBAPAO). This meeting was marked by discussions with conservation stakeholders on existing structures in the region to enhance data and information concerning protected areas and biodiversity with the aim of improving regional policies and strategies concerning the environment. and conservation.


Atelier technique d’échanges et de planification des membres du consortium Technical workshop for exchanges and planning of consortium members

From February 16 to 19, 2021, Dakar, Senegal

Following the launch workshop held in November 2019 and the finalization of all institutional arrangements, the four (04) members of the consortium responsible for implementing the action, met during a workshop exchange and planning technique. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the practical methods of implementing OBAPAO with a view to establishing the operational strategy, taking into account the roles and responsibilities of…

Etat des Aires Marines Protégées (EdAMP) d’Afrique de l’Ouest 2021 : relance et finalisation du processus State of West African Marine Protected Areas (EdAMP) 2021: relaunch and finalization of the process

In 2019, when the second phase of the BIOPAMA program was launched, strategic actions were identified to promote more efficient and sustainable management of protected areas in the West African sub-region. One of them was to develop a report on the State of West African Marine Protected Areas (EdAMP) 2021 which should be:

  • a reference publication presenting the state of marine protected areas for West Africa;
  • a useful and operational decision support tool;
  • the…


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